Monday, February 18, 2013

‘Harlem Shake’ Shakes It Across YouTube, With Over 44 Million Views

Technically, the “Harlem Shake” was a dance move from the ’80s. It began in New York’s Harlem, and was popular in music videos. Then, in 2011, it was the title of an electronic song produced by Baauer. Now, in 2013, the song has become the track of many viral videos.
It seems to have started with the video below. The video of people wearing masks and dressed in latex suits, one in a Power Ranger costume, was uploaded to YouTube on Jan. 30, 2013. As you’ll see in the video, which has been viewed over three million times, everyone dances.

But the dance and the video premise evolved. A YouTube user by the name of TheSunnyCoastSkateuploaded a video in which everyone around him was just going about their business while he danced to the music with a motorcycle helmet on. Then when the lyrics start, everyone else starts dancing.

According to YouTube, that’s the video that started the real viral trend.  As of Feb. 11, there have been over 12,000 “Harlem Shake” videos, and they’ve been watched more than 44 million times. Now, YouTube says, over 4,000 of these crazy dance videos are being uploaded per day.
And it hasn’t just been YouTube stars uploading these videos. Lots of media companies and offices jumped on the trend. BuzzfeedNow This NewsCollege Humor and others have uploaded some pretty hilarious, jam-packed dance videos. Then came ones from West Point, the Coast Guard Academy and the Air Force Academy.
Now, of course, the competition is on for the best Harlem Shake video on the Internet. We leave you with some of our favorites.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Following a lengthy investigation into what officials have described as the biggest football match-fixing scandal to have hit Europe. The sentences handed out in Bochum, Germany are only the tip of the iceberg, as it’s estimated that there are another 300 or so suspects being investigated. 
All three defendants were presented with sentences of between three and four years. They pleaded guilty to betting on soccer matches they knew had been fixed, and to bribing players involved in certain games. Two of the three men were bookmakers while the third man, known as ‘Tuna A’, was identified as a gambler. Both of the bookmakers had developed relationships with football players over a period of time. These relationships were clearly “manipulative”, as pointed out by Judge Carsten Schwadrat. The men were charged with fixing at least eighteen soccer matches, up to as high as level as Europa League standard.

The three men had apparently been involved in the sordid world of fixing outcomes of football matches for several years. Sentences will also shortly be handed out to another seven defendants, including Ante Sapina, the mastermind behind a German match-fixing ring who was sentenced to three years imprisonment in 2005. Sapina only served one third of that sentence and told the court that after his release he wagered sums of money on games that had been manipulated, shortly after the 2006 World Cup.
Plying a trade as a football tipster is difficult enough without competing against the filthy obstacle that is match-fixing. The fact that the punishment being meted out is as severe as three or fours years imprisonment will surely thwart future offenders and eliminate this blight from the beautiful game. In the meantime perhaps I (with tongue firmly placed in cheek) can deny responsibility for any incorrect soccer tips I’ve provided in the past year, and claim that these blemishes on my record as a tipster have been the result of a vile European match-fixing ring.

Fast & Furious 6

Since Dom (Diesel) and Brians (Walker) Rio heist toppled a kingpins empire and left their crew with $100 million, our heroes have scattered across the globe. But their inability to return home and living forever on the lam have left their lives incomplete.

Meanwhile, Hobbs (Johnson) has been tracking an organization of lethally skilled mercenary drivers across 12 countries, whose mastermind (Evans) is aided by a ruthless second-in-command revealed to be the love Dom thought was dead, Letty (Rodriguez). The only way to stop the criminal outfit is to outmatch them at street level, so Hobbs asks Dom to assemble his elite team in London. Payment? Full pardons for all of them so they can return home and make their families whole again.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Valencia 1-1 Barcelona: Messi penalty denies Los Che

Valencia held Barcelona to a 1-1 draw in La Liga as its energetic, yet resolute display made for a frustrating night at the Estadio Mestalla for the Catalans.

Ernesto Valverde had set out to refuse the Blaugrana their usual time on the ball, and it was a tactic that looked to have worked superbly as Ever Banega put the hosts ahead. Lionel Messi equalized from the spot soon after though, scoring in a record 12th consecutive La Liga fixture.

Both teams opened the game with a lot of energy, but Barca looked more threatening as it was largely in control of possession. The visitors were unable to fashion any chances to test Vicente Guaita as Los Che defended in numbers and pressed quickly. 

Valencia complemented its enthusiastic defense by playing on the break when it managed to wrest the ball away from Barcelona, with Roberto Soldado keen to make an impact. Midway through the first half the striker's bright run came to an end on the edge of the box due to a trip from Javier Mascherano. Tino Costa struck the free kick, but he failed to get it past the wall, and his team's appeals for a handball on Xavi were ignored.

Los Che's resilience at the back continued to frustrate the Blaugrana, and Valverde's men were rewarded in the 33rd minute. Soldado's cross was headed away by Gerard Pique, but only as far as Banega, who brought the ball down and rifled a low shot past Victor Valdes at his near post.

Barca were handed a route back into the game as Joao Pereira clumsily cut down Pedro in the box in the 39th minute. Messi stepped up to take the penalty and fired an unstoppable effort into the top left-hand corner for his 34th league goal of the season.

The teams went into the break level, but with just five minutes gone in the second half Valencia nearly regained the lead. Andres Guardado's cross was met by Soldado, but he could not guide his header inside of Valdes' post.

The game continued to go from end-to-end, and five minutes later Cesc Fabregas had a chance to put the Catalan side ahead after Messi's defense-splitting throughball, though his shot only rippled the side netting.

Valencia nearly struck after Sergio Canales replaced Banega in the 64th minute, as it did not take long for the former Real Madrid man to make his presence known. From Guardado's cutback, a fantastic, arrowed shot towards looked to be heading for the top corner until Valdes' fingertips turned it wide of the post.

The keeper was once again in fine form in the 89th minute, as a brilliant double save, the second of which came from a Soldado follow-up effort, stopped the hosts from stealing all three points at the death and ruining David Villa's return to his former home ground.

Adelina Berisha

Ka kohe qe kengetarja simpatike Adelina Berisha, nuk ka sjellur dicka te re per tregun muzikor shqiptar. Ama, nuk mund te thuhet se nuk ka qene e pranishme ne media. Posacerisht, me fotot e saja seksi dhe atraktive.
Dhe, ja ku kemi nje foto te fundit qe kengetarja e sjell permes rrjetit te saj social. Ne vend te kenges, ajo reklamon me shume vithet e saj, me nje foto hot nga sezoni veror, ne keto dite te ftohta dimri.
Vajza qe studjon menaxhimin, shihet shpesh neper diskot e qytetit ndersa u fol se bojkotoi programet festive televizive per shkak te, sic tha ajo, shume parregullsive.
Megjithate, fansat me ne fund duhet te gezohen sepse perpos vitheve seksi qe ajo me qejf shpesh i reklamon.
Adelina se fundmi eshte duke punuar edhe ne dy kenge te reja, nje me Don Arbasin dhe tjetren me djelmoshat e popullarizuar, Zzap & Chriss. /Albavipnews/
Adelina Berisha nuk i le diskot
Adelina Berisha si duket vazhdon ti pelqeje diskot ne Prishtine dhe kur ka kohe del dhe argetohet.
adelina dhe morta e saj
Kete here kengetarja seksi eshte shoqeruar me motren e saj Dafinen dhe nje mikeshe te tyre dhe duket se eshte shume e lumtur./Albasnapz
Vajzat VIP me te pasme seksi

Jemi mësuar me bukuroshet e pasarelave që të duken me vithe shumë seksi, jemi mësuar edhe me botën e shoubizit të bëhen krahasime se cila nga artistet i ka të pasmet më seksi.
Por, nëse mendoni se në botën shqiptare nuk ka Kajli Minog, Xhenifer Lopes, apo Kim Kardashian e keni gabim. Ne kemi renditur vetëm disa prej vipave shqiptare, të cilat shumica prej tyre duken se vetë na kanë ofruar të shohim reklamën e fund-shpinës së tyre se çfarë formë ka.

E para, e cila është lakuar aq shumë, është  këngëtarja Shkëndije Mujaj, që megjithëse thuhet se ka ndërhyrje, ajo potencon gjithmonë se është vetëm dora e nënës natyrë për të pasmet e saj kaq të rrumbullakëta.
Edhe këngëtarja Adelina Berisha shpeshherë na sjell reklamën e fund-shpinës së saj, që kohët e fundit është bërë objekt i madh diskutimi, ndërsa në bazë të informacione të sigurta ajo i ka origjinale.
Aktorja e famshme shqiptare, Arta Dobroshi, erdhi kohë më parë në kronikën rozë me reklamimin, që, sipas zërave, thuhet se e ka tradhtuar fustani dhe era që frynte në Kanë, ndërsa kalonte në tepihun e kuq. Kaq shumë u lakua me zbulimin e vitheve ajo, saqë fama e saj si aktore u harrua për një kohë.
Ajo është modele dhe pa dyshim se duhet të jetë seksi edhe kur bëhet fjalë për të pasmet e saj. Është kjo Afërdita Dreshaj, e cila nuk ka rezistuar dot të pozojë e kthyer pas, për të treguar se edhe aty është në formë.
Këngëtarja, e cila sapo i këndoi një djali që s’ka zemër në ‘Kënga Magjike 2012’, Rozana Radi, para se të interpretonte këtë këngë, ka realizuar edhe ajo para pasqyrës një foto të tillë, por që, sipas shikimin tonë, më mirë të mos e kishte bërë se të pasmet e saja duken të varfra.
Edhe një tjetër këngëtare, që shquhet për simpatinë e saj, kur ishte në plazh, ka treguar se ka të pasme seksi, kjo është Adelina Tahiri. Ndërsa nuk mund të lëmë jashtë në këtë klasifikim vajzash seksi të shoubizit shqiptar edhe Elvana Gjatën, e cila jo rrallëherë tregon se konkurron bindshëm koleget e saja me të pasmet.
Ndërsa këngëtarja më e lakuar shqiptare e momentit, Rita Ora, si duket e ka problemet me paparacët me dashje apo pa dashje ajo i ka treguar vithet e saja. Ndërsa e fundit që mund të hyjë në këtë listë apo më e freskëta është bukuroshja e famshme nga BB5, Françeska Jace, që ka dashur të tregojë se edhe ajo duket mirë nga pas.
Tek po bënim këtë përshkrim dhe klasifikim për bukuroshet tona, seç na u kujtua gjatësia e tyre e cila nga të pasmet e tyre seksi duket sikur është në përpjesëtim të zhdrejtë, e megjithatë pjesa më e madhe e tyre duke na ofruar këto foto nëpërmjet rrjeteve sociale, këtë konkurs duket sikur e kanë nisur vetë.